Ways of consuming Olive Oil
2019-10-22 Source: Oller

1.Olive Oil for baking

Olive Oil is also suitable for baking bread and desserts. Olive oil is much better than butter and you can use it to cook any dessert or bread.

2.Friying with olive oil

In comparison with other oils, olive oil has a chemical structure stable to high temperatures due to its antioxidant properties and high content in unsaturated oleic acids.

When olive oil is used in cooking, and the temperature exceeds the smoke point, the chemical structure of the oil and the fat will change and that will produce carcinogens. Olive Oil smoke point is between 240 and 270 degrees, higher that other cooking oils, so olive oil can be used several times and no deterioration is produced. It is the most appropriate oil for frying.

3.Stewing, roasting, grill with olive oil

Olive Oil is also suitable for cooking stews, roasted dishes and for grill. When you cook with olive oil, food has a nice aroma with a nice taste. It is specially recommended for fried or for barbecue

4.Marinate with olive oil

Marinating food with olive oil before cooking, could boost the tone and enhance the taste.

5.Use it directly

When olive oil is used directly, the characteristics of the dishes will be maximized. You can use olive oil as you use salt, because olive oil will make the dishes more delicious and tastier. You can also use extra virgin olive oil to any dish to balance the food with a highest level of acidity, such as lemon juice, wine vinegar, wine, tomatoes¡­ This also makes the different spices used to be more harmonious. If you add a little bit of extra virgin olive oil, you can also make food to be more fragrant, softer and with a more intense taste

6.Using olive oil for preparing sauces and condiments

The purpose of using sauces is to boost the taste, not hide it. Olive oil is the best fat ingredient for cold and hot sauces, maintaining the color of the fresh sauces.

Olive Oil can be directly mixed with vegetarian dishes, pasta. Salads can be prepared and also mayonnaises. It can be dipped directly with bread or any other food. The dishes in which olive oil has been used have a brighter color, nice taste, fragrant and a typical Mediterranean taste.

7.Cooking White rice with olive oil

Using a spoonful of olive oil when cooking White rice, will make it fragrant and with a nicer texture

8.Taking it directly

Having a spoonful (8ml) directly every morning of every night before going to bed, can reduce the lipids and sugar in our blood, treat gastrointestinal diseases and reduce arterial thrombosis. It is especially beneficial for aged people, hypertension patients and heart diseases. After several weeks of consumption, some physiological indicators will significantly improve.